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About Cootes Consulting

Cootes Consulting helps indigenous-owned organizations with business planning and consulting to help them build successful businesses, meet their economic goals, and create community pride. We also work with non-indigenous businesses that work for Indigenous-owned businesses or communities. Based in Anacla, BC, we support the success and prosperity of businesses and communities across Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and throughout Canada.


We solve resource and capacity challenges faced by Indigenous communities and businesses. We’ve seen first hand how Band Administrators and Leaders have to wear many hats, trying to fill the role of shareholders, EDO, CEO, and Managers. Cootes Consulting helps you optimize your operations through grants, cooperative business ventures, and through expanding your network of experts available to support your business operations and growth. 


After fully understanding your story and vision for the future, we’ll develop a customized business solution that doesn’t compromise your values, and that gives you the best chance of success. 

Cootes Consulting Logo Colour

Our values-inspired logo

Our Indigenous roots and ancestors guide our business and our values:

  • The eye is our vision

  • The blowing face is change

  • The hands represent action

  • The mountain and moons are the teachings

  • The mountains represent our sacred place

  • The stars are our ancestors guidance

  • The ocean is the resources we have

About the Founder

Trevor Cootes

Company founder Trevor Cootes is a Huu-ay-aht citizen from the house of Apwinisath (in the Barkley Sound region on the west coast of Vancouver Island). He has over 25 years experience in Indigenous Economic Development, leadership, management, and relationship building. 


His business and community-centric leadership skills come from from:

  • 15+ years in management positions

  • 12+ Years in First Nation’s leadership positions

  • 5+ years on nonprofit boards 

  • His lifelong experience living and working within Indigenous communities


Where he doesn’t have the direct experience you need, he’ll bring in his team of connections who have a broad range of specialities, including banking, accounting, capital, negotiations, governance and systems. 

  • LinkedIn

Follow Trevor on LinkedIn for his full CV and experience.

Trevor Cootes, Consultant
Anacla BC

"Ook-ltha-mahh Hii-yiqh-saht Huu-ay-aht-ha. Hello my name is Trevor Cootes. My ancestral name is Hiiy-aqh-saht. And I come from the house of Ap-win-i-saht. My mom Patricia Rytter's (Dennis) ancestral name is Tlii-tlii-hi-saks, she is the matriarch of the Williams family. My family ties go through Nuuchanulth territory and through Coast Salish territory on my father’s side (Vancouver Island to the Mainland).  Through my dad’s mom Rose McCarthy my family lineage goes through Chief Wickaninnish’s family.  My Grandma’s mom side descends from Chief Wickaninnish’s eldest daughter."

Are you ready to make the first step
towards greater business prosperity and community success?

Contact us for a complimentary consultation today:

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